The compressor impeller is an aluminum alloy or titanium, which is more expensive. Splines secure it to the rotor shaft from a single casting. The turbocharger rotor shaft has a complicated structure...
The distributor and rotor protect by a distributor cap, a detachable part in spark ignition systems. Distributor caps are in charge of distributing electrical current from an ignition coil to a set...
The O/B STARTER OMC 18-5628 is an approved premium starter for marine applications. It is built with internal shielding to stop any sparks or stray energy from getting into the bilge or bell housing,...
Evinrude, Johnson And Gale Outboard Motors Impeller - Sierra Marine Engine Parts (18-3043) is positioned on a shaft and has a hub with attached vanes. The flexible vanes are rotated on an eccentric...