Plugs can become tangled up against other engine or chassis components, putting them in awkward positions that are difficult to reach without the proper tools. A metal or plastic screw plug serves as...
This component suite of outboard motors is well-known for its dependability, starting, and general performance, and it's no surprise that it's frequently the preferred choice of Outboards for...
Driving with a faulty oil pressure sensor is dangerous. It frequently causes your check engine light to illuminate, even if there isn't anything wrong with your vehicle. Worse, it won't provide you...
The oil seals are employed if all of the boat's components are from the same material. Allowing the materials to contract and expand while in use stops leakage. Rubber seals are typically more...
An engine's thermostat regulates the flow of coolant to keep the engine from overheating. Engines that are overheated or underheated, temperatures that fluctuate erratically, and coolant leaks around...